Monday, August 8, 2011


Pogo is an Australian DJ that has some of the most talented work I have ever seen. He's brilliant. I wanted to post some of his stuff because not many people back home know about him. What he does is take bits and pieces from old classic Disney films (usually) and then puts them together to make the most incredible songs. I still don't know where one would even start trying to attempt this, but he is brilliant. These are some of my favourites:


Joburg Jam was created when he was recently in South Africa for the Football World Cup. Nostalgia right here!

UPular Remix is from Disney Pixar's film UP. One of my favourite...

Pogo recently held a competition where people were able to enter animations for a remix called the Mellow Brick Road which he created from the original Wizard of Oz film. Not one of my favourite songs of his, but this animation was awesome!

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