Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Soave harvest...

So Ladies and Gents, I am now officially moved into the apartment in Soave with Alma for the next month. I don't have access to internet so the next couple of posts will be without pictures unfortunately. But I'll try update as regularly as possible.

Harvest has started, and so have the shoulder and back pain! I am working for a winery called Inama, one of the main producers of soave classico in the region, a DOC wine made from a grape called garganega. Today was day 2, and we moved across to Monte Riondo to continue with chardonnay after finishing up the sauvignon blanc at the winery in San Bonifacio. The morning sessions are the best when the sun is coming up and the temperature is still fresh. I am picking in a group of four people, being Umberto, Renato, Laura and I. All much older than me, but it has been great because I'm forced to speak Italian all day long. Today we sat together and ate lunch in the vineyards, and I even got a sneaky caffe and slice of cake out of the event from Laura. One thing about the Italians is that they are always eager to make one feel at home, and it is always so warming. Harvest has been very tiring, but I have learnt so much in the fields so far. I'm looking forward to the next couple of weeks.

I shall keep you posted on the week's worth of white picking...

PS I now go to bed before 22H00, as well as walk with a limp. That's harvest right there!

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