Monday, July 25, 2011

My Diana Mini...

So whilst in Milano I was seriously inspired by all that was going on over there. Maybe it was because I was staying with Paul and surrounded by all the creativity of him and his design friends, but Milano opened my eyes to a cosmopolitan lifestyle which I can't say I've seen anywhere else in Italy on my travels so far. That city buzzes!

I've always wanted one of these cameras, and after visiting the official Lomography shop in Milano I was sold. Diana cameras used to be popular back in the day, and what became a social underground movement in the early 90's has now exploded into a worldwide craze. It takes a regular 35mm film, but it shoots square photos. So once developed on regular jumbo size photos, the blank edges are cut of and you have a square photograph. Pretty old school! It can also shoot half frames, so you can basically sneak in 72 photos on a 36 roll film. I love that film photography is making a come back. Digital has it's blessings, but film gives you such an authentic feel. So what if you mess up, or you can't review the photo you just took? Isn't half the fun waiting to see what you end up with at the end? I've already taken my first couple of shots, and I'm planning on shooting away whilst over here for the rest of the year and only developing the spools when I get home in December...

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