Saturday, July 9, 2011

Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic

So after two seriously tough weeks of working non-stop at the villa, we were given some time off after the departure of our lovely American guests. Needless to say we grabbed the opportunity with both hands. Gavin, our chef, is an Australian but is married to a Czech lady, and has therefore lived in Prague for many years. So the Kiwi, William, the Brit, Oliver and I, accompanied Gavin on a little adventure. After an 11 hour road trip, which took us through the Dolomiti mountain range in northern Italy, through Austria and finally Germany, we eventually arrived in an icy cold Karlovy Vary, a town just over the border into Czech Republic. At the moment there is a huge movie festival on, with the likes of Judy Dench and John Malkovitch being present. Because of the movie festival, the town was packed with young students, and we ended up in a brilliant electro-swing club which had us and our dancing shoes going till early hours of the morning. Pretty indie Czech girls with short hair and red lipstick swamped the dance floor whilst tottering in their heels, and the local beer (which is sublime) had us thinking we'd died and gone to heaven. After a dreadful nights sleep in the back of a car in freezing weather, curled up in the foetal position, we woke up to explore the city. All around Karlovy Vary are hot springs that are open to the public, who come from far and wide to drink the warm water which supposedly has a lot of health benefits due to the high mineral content. We then left for Prague, Oliver and I catching a 2 hour bus through to the city...

Colours of the Czech flag

Oliver filling up in Austria

A cold Czech morning

The cafe where we had breakfast

Karlovy Vary

Gavin and his wife Lucy in front of one of the many springs

A hot spring.

Will, Oliver and I in front of Aeroport, the club in Karlovy Vary

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