Sunday, June 12, 2011

Monterosso, Cinque Terra

After leaving Verona I spent two days in Monterosso with Matty Havemann. It was so great to see him after two and a half months of adventures. Matt is working on a mega yacht this year and is based in Monaco, so he caught the train down the Ligurian coast and we met in Cinque Terra. Monterosso is packed with tourists, but we had a great time. Unfortunately the weather for the two days that we were there wasn't great, but I managed to sneak some sun in on the first day there.

One thing I've come to realise on these travels is that I hate goodbyes. Everytime I've had to say goodbye to someone this year it has been really tough, and saying goodbye to Matt was no exception. But I am now safely in Tuscany working at Villa Michaela and all is well. I can't believe how fast this year has gone already. We're already halfway through June! Before I know it I'm going to be on that flight back to South Africa in December...

A view of Monterosso from one of the surrounding hills.

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