Sunday, June 5, 2011

Diary of a Wildcoast Gypsy

I have always been fascinated by the Wildcoast of South Africa. There's something about the rugged and untouched nature of the old Transkei that transports you to a special place once you pass Port Edward in Kwa Zulu Natal. There have been times when I have sat and looked out over the ocean from one of the rolling hills in Coffee Bay when I've thought "hell, life doesn't get much better than this". My next little adventure on the cards once I am back in South Africa is definitely an excursion of the area, and I've already recruited some troops who are just as excited. I think it is a place every South African should visit at some stage, as it is truly unique.

I stumbled across this blog the other day, and was completely taken by it. I'm now following it regularly. The photos, stories and happenings of Lavonne on the Wildcoast take me right back home, and it has really been an inspiration to me all the way over here in Italy.

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