Saturday, April 30, 2011


I got to spend Thursday in Venice. What a place! Got stupidly lost, a good sense of direction means nothing in that labyrinth of canals and courtyards. It was my second visit to Venice, but this time it made more sense. I sat and had a panino with a glass of red wine just next to St Mark's square. I sound like a spoilt brat...

St Mark's Cathedral.


Piazza Erbe.
I spent the week after Easter in Verona with family friends, Carlo and Maria-Theresa, and their son Alberto. They are such hospitable people, and the food and wine there were just incredible. They work during the day, so I spent most of it wandering through the cobbled streets of Verona by myself. My ancestors are from this town, so it was pretty special to be back here.

Juliet's balcony.

The statue of Juliet.

The main Piazza in Verona, Piazza Bra.
The old Roman amphitheatre called the Arena in Verona. It now plays hosts to the city's opera festivals that happen every year. Opera season starts beginning of June. My great grandfather used to sing opera in the Arena when he was alive.

Fontana in Piazza Bra.

Port Regis, Dorset.

The Mansion, where Anna lives.

This is the school that Anna is working at in Dorset. It is just outside of a little town called Shaftesbury in Dorset county. I left a little part of me at that school, I feel like I got lost in another world for an entire weekend there.

Anna's friend Tess.

Flowers at Borough Market.

End of London and Borough Market...

The bread man at Borough Market.

London came and went so fast. It was such a great experience, and travelling with Anna was just wonderful. We got told about Borough Market by a friend of ours,  so we made our way over on the Good Friday. What a brilliant market! It is huge, and the food doesn't seem to stop. The breads, the cakes, the teas, the cheeses, the pies, the paninis, the nuts and baklavas; it was all pretty special. I sat down with a glass of prosecco and a vietnamese curry that changed my life. Here are a couple of photos:

This was amazing. The two massive blocks of cheese sit under flames and melt, and it is then scraped off onto baked potatoes and served with pickled gherkins and onions.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Paper Moon.

One of my favourite songs by Nat King Cole... Found this little pub on the South bank.

More of London...

I took this photo today in Regents Park, where I fell asleep under a tree after a stroll.

 I have done so much walking the last couple of days here in London I'm actually stiff. I've been trying to avoid all the stuffy and cramped undergrounds and see as much as I can above ground as possible. The weather has also been superb, so it has actually made walking a real treat. I had a realisation today that I may have to shave off my beard, after I woke up from a snooze in Regents Park with a group of young girls nearby were looking at me and discussing how London should clean up their act with vagrants and immigrants! It may be time to clean up a little!

Big Ben.

The Houses of Parliament.

The book market on the South bank.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

This is Nels

This is Nels. I met him on Portobello Road... Crazy combination of clothing but it works!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Belts and buckles

More of London Town

Tower Bridge

The pub we had lunch at.

St Georges-Motel, France

Our little house in St Georges-Motel.
After our brief stint in Paris we went out to the French countryside to a place called St Georges-Motel, where we were hosted by Peter and Betsy, two of the most hospitable people I have ever met. We stayed in a 13th century farmhouse, adjacent to the old town church. The old cemetary is now the property's garden and its littered with tulips and rosemary. A very special place!

The door to the wine cellar.

The tulips in the garden that once used to be the church cemetary.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Welcome to London

I cannot tell you how excited I am to be back in London! Probably one of the most amazing places I've ever been to...

Friday, April 8, 2011

Farm Stall, Western Cape, South Africa

This was a photo I took at a small farm stall in the Western Cape, just outside of Robertson. I thought the little saying on the chalk board was such a nice touch...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Day of The Diana

Miss Paula Grout
Paula shares my immense passion for photography, and we went to go hunt down a very cool camera called the Diana. It is old school photography reinvented, and it is making such a huge comeback, especially in the big cities like London and New York. It is all on film, and so initially the first two or three spools are likely to be duds. I think this is part of the fun that the Diana imparts on the user though. That initially there is a lot of trial and error involved, but once you have mastered it, the photos you end up developing are incredible. Needless to say, I am very jealous of Paula's purchase!

Man About Town

Is this just not the most well executed fusion of two completely different worlds you've ever seen? I first saw this on a blog called The Fox Is Black, a very polished publication which a friend told me to take a look at. It actually gave me a lot of inspiration for what I'm trying to achieve on this page. A celebration of life, and the things that surround me. This is a place where I want people to come and take five minutes out of their day to sit, search and then say "Damn, that's pretty cool"!

Kilian Martin did this for me...

It's all about the flannel...

Recently I've been taking some photos for GQ magazine's online website for their Street Style section. Stellenbosch was a cinch, but Durban has been a serious battle! I've scoured high and low for some content and managed to put together a couple of trendy looking guys and girls, but hell was this a task. Why is it that Durban battles to keep up with the trendy times? It marches to a different beat this East Coast of ours. It's a stroll, and it's chilled and laidback. But that is the beauty of it all I guess... Nothing seems to phase Durban!
I snapped this gentleman just off Florida road in Durban outside the barber shop I use. Nice!

Autumn is on its way, so get those flannel shirts ironed...

The Inspiration

Two of my most valued items in my wardrobe... My All Star high tops, and my Harris Tweed jacket.

Just Cruising Through

A snapshot of me by my good friend Matty Havemann.

Early Morning Flight

Warren Bretherton behind the controls of his plane. He treated me to an early morning flight over Durban.

Open Happiness

This is a building across the road from the block of flats that my grandmother lives in. It seems fairly arbitrary, but I love its position down on Durban's beachfront, and its austere front, coupled with Coca-Cola's "Open Happiness" across the top makes for an interesting contrast. I love the hidden messages we can find in our societies, if only we looked a little deeper.