Saturday, April 30, 2011


Piazza Erbe.
I spent the week after Easter in Verona with family friends, Carlo and Maria-Theresa, and their son Alberto. They are such hospitable people, and the food and wine there were just incredible. They work during the day, so I spent most of it wandering through the cobbled streets of Verona by myself. My ancestors are from this town, so it was pretty special to be back here.

Juliet's balcony.

The statue of Juliet.

The main Piazza in Verona, Piazza Bra.
The old Roman amphitheatre called the Arena in Verona. It now plays hosts to the city's opera festivals that happen every year. Opera season starts beginning of June. My great grandfather used to sing opera in the Arena when he was alive.

Fontana in Piazza Bra.

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