Saturday, June 2, 2012

Tokara Deli, Stellenbosch

Tokara's Deli is such a must do. It's always a juggle when wine farms start veering away from their focus on the wine aspect of the estate and begin adding restaurant's, jungle gyms, horse paddocks and petting zoos. I feel that it kind of detracts from the point that they are in the first instance a wine estate, and that the emphasis should be on the product itself. More often than not, you'll find that the quality of wine tends to slip. However, Tokara's new venture in their deli has proven that this isn't always the case. It's slick, chic and affordable, and offers a welcome alternative to the otherwise pretentious restaurant scene found on most wine farms these days. Home-style cooking and beautiful anti pasta platters is this deli's game, and paired with Tokara's superb wine and breathtaking view, it all goes down a treat. I'm definitely planning on another visit soon...

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