Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Durban harbour in the early evening...

I love the space around Durban's harbour, especially when there is a sunset and the area begins to light up for the evening's activites. This is one of the first photos I ever took when I got my camera. Durban holds a very special place in my heart, so being able to show it off in all it's glory always makes me happy. Durban's harbour has always been iconic, mainly because of its significance as being one of the main refuelling stations for European explorers bound for the East. Naturally, the creaky wooden decks and linen sails once found in the harbour have given way to grotesque metal monster ships, and cranes that flail their arms around wildly on the jetties moving crates and machinery. Nevertheless, there is a beauty that can be found here, and its importance in terms of Kwa-Zulu Natal's heritage is easily noticeable.

1 comment:

  1. is this really Durban? The mountain in the background looks like CapeTown rather
