Friday, May 20, 2011

A Trip to Bologna

The trip down to Bologna was such a breath of fresh air. I love hopping on trains in Europe and heading off on an adventure. It always reminds me that I am travelling and experiencing special times. I find that I always end up doing so much thinking on these trips that I do, especially because of the fact that I am on my own. At times the loneliness gets to me, but I think this is what travelling is all about. It is about being out of your comfort zone,  and it is about learning and growing. And with Bologna being in the province of Emilia-Romagna, I could immediately pick up a change in the food and people. I had travelled to Bologna 6 years ago, but this time I really appreciated it for what it was.

The fountain of Neptune.

The fountain of Neptune.

Tomatoes at the food market off Piazza Maggiore.

Looking into Piazza Maggiore.

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