Monday, April 7, 2014

Forgotten Flowers, Jaipur, India

Never, never, ever give up...

Some of your hardest battles you will fight, will come at the darkest hour.

Commit to them, and never, never, ever give up.

Through gritted teeth, you shall conquer.

Close your eyes...

Close your eyes, and inhale the morning.

Fill your lungs with the sunshine and peace.

And smile.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Salute, Hyde Park, London

The Oxford VS Cambridge Goat Race

This is why I love London. Because the city can take a perfectly good institution and turn it on its head.

Here's another for the books. The age old rivalry between Oxford and Cambridge, the two darlings of the British tertiary education set up. The boat race has always drawn spectators from far and wide, and given the rowing elite a chance to not only flex their muscle but claim bragging rights for a year until they come head to head again. And, as we all know, everyone loves a little rowing along the Thames, as well as any reason to sink a couple of Pimms. Bosch.

Well, hold onto your hats, now there are the Goat Races... In its sixth year, it always proves to be a spectacle of epic proportions. My money is on Cambridge. Let's go boys.