Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Monday, November 10, 2014

Madiba, my hero...

I'm having an incredibly nostalgic day... And I can't help but think of this man and what he endured for us as a nation. I hope he is sleeping peacefully. Rest easy, Tata. We miss you!

Canterbury, Kent, United Kingdom

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

I want you most of all...

"Give me warm rain and dried lavender and you. I want you most of all."

- Emery Allen             

Monday, April 7, 2014

Forgotten Flowers, Jaipur, India

Never, never, ever give up...

Some of your hardest battles you will fight, will come at the darkest hour.

Commit to them, and never, never, ever give up.

Through gritted teeth, you shall conquer.

Close your eyes...

Close your eyes, and inhale the morning.

Fill your lungs with the sunshine and peace.

And smile.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Salute, Hyde Park, London

The Oxford VS Cambridge Goat Race

This is why I love London. Because the city can take a perfectly good institution and turn it on its head.

Here's another for the books. The age old rivalry between Oxford and Cambridge, the two darlings of the British tertiary education set up. The boat race has always drawn spectators from far and wide, and given the rowing elite a chance to not only flex their muscle but claim bragging rights for a year until they come head to head again. And, as we all know, everyone loves a little rowing along the Thames, as well as any reason to sink a couple of Pimms. Bosch.

Well, hold onto your hats, now there are the Goat Races... In its sixth year, it always proves to be a spectacle of epic proportions. My money is on Cambridge. Let's go boys.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Expanded Eye Tattoos

Sometimes tattoos become works of art more than just merely being ink on skin. Expanded Eye epitomise this in every damn way! The tattoos that come out of this place look like something Picasso or Dali casually threw together. It's mad and eccentric and down right jaw droppingly beautiful. Go ahead, eat it up...

Images courtesy Expanded Eye

Images courtesy Expended Eye

Maltby Market, Bermondsey, London

If you're ever done the Bermondsey neck of the wood, do yourself a favour and get on down to Maltby Market in Rope Walk. I managed to find myself getting stuck into all kinds happy gin concoctions coming out of Little Bird gin bar here. I'm always a sucker for anything gin-like. It makes my knees wobbly and puts (more) hair on my chest...

Pineapple Day, Tumblr

Hell I love me a good Tumblr. This is probably one of my favourite's I've come across...

Image taken from Pineapple Day

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Crate Microbrewery, Hackney, London

Man, am I excited to get stuck into the London microbrewery scene. Mad things are happening in this city with the craft beer brewing, and I'm dead keen on getting my lips dirty with a cheeky pint or two... The Crate 90-minute IPA is deadly. Keep you eyes peeled for it. But do yourself a favour and get over to Hackney and check out their space. It's super simple, and super trendy. Done.

Doors, Durham, UK