Friday, December 23, 2011

We Love Bluestockings...

I always love me a little fashion blog just to get the mind ticking. This one especially so.... It is home grown, and Stellenbosch based. We do love Bluestockings, winner...

Milano Dreaming...

Watching this got me so nostalgic. My friend Vito posted this the other day on Facebook. This is Milano in a nutshell. Such a great short film...

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Crave You...

Summer has never sounded so sweet...

Venice, Italy


So since I have been back in the country I haven't really had the time (or the motivation) to get going with my camera again. I'm not quite sure what it is, but I'm hoping it's just a phase. However, I thought I should keep the posts ticking over with little bits from the year. This is another song from the travels which I'll never forget...

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Black Keys

Literally the best thing since sliced bread. I refuse to shave my beard based simply on how cool the guitarist is, and their music is pretty mindblowing too... The Black Keys get the greenlight for summer:

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

London in winter...

Hyde Park sunset

Cambridge, England

Cambridge University, possibly one of the finest academic institutions in the world. What an incredibly beautiful student town. After studying at Stellenbosch for four years, I am always inspired by similar destinations. Cambridge University is steeped in tradition and heritage, and the grounds are breathtaking to say the least. The day was spent meandering through the narrow passageways and corridors, and many a pub was visited to sample the local ales. But what a brilliant day it was! 

The fudge shop

Kings College

Clare College bridge

Sardinia, Italy

Sardinia is probably one of the most rugged and raw landscapes I have ever seen. After a brief stint down in Tuscany, a week spent with my cousin down on the south tip of the island was in order. He is 78 years old, but still strong as an ox. After working for years in the hotel industry in Verona, he packed up his life and has chosen a simple life of farming with his wife. Everything we ate was fresh from the farm, and it really was a week spent relaxing and getting back into neutral before packing up everything in Soave and heading back to sunny South Africa...